Inside the inside – News Register Roots to Roofs
Our latest Brains & Bones event of a Willamette Valley custom home is showcased in this month’s Roots to Roofs issue from the News-Register. Here is a section of the article:
There are different ways to shop for a home these days, from the old-fashioned walk-through to virtual tours online, but those display a finished product – the “face and skin” of a house. Typically you don’t get to see how the home was built, and how the home’s systems work. In order to show this to clients, you need to put the “brains and bones” of a home on display before they are covered up.
“A builder’s website might say they are ‘high-performance builders,’” says Stassens. “What does that really mean? Is this the same as being a “Green builder?” We like for people to see behind the walls, so we can answer those questions. Once the sheetrock and finishes of a home are in, it is very hard to tell how a home was built. We like clients to see the hidden parts of homes, from framing assemblies, to the insulation and the mechanical.”
“It’s a great opportunity, he adds, “to look under the hood.”
That’s why, on a recent Saturday afternoon, Winsome opened the doors of the Redmond couple’s home to the public.
Part of the Better Building Series, launched in 2014 to educate homeowners on the difference between buildings that merely meet minimum building codes and high-performance custom homes, the Brains & Bones events offer a close-up view of the home’s skeleton.
Enjoy the complete feature here: News-Register June 2018 Roots to Roofs
We welcome your questions about residential custom home building and advanced building technologies anytime. Call us at 503-472-7402 or email shan@winsomeconstruction.com
Article by David Bates, “Inside the inside,” News-Register – June 15, 2018
* Cover photo credit: News-Register
Categories: Custom Homes, Events, High Performance Construction, In the Press, Willamette Valley Custom Homes