Green Products Raise Greener Roofs

August 24, 2014

Winsome Construction partner, Wendy Stassens, was interviewed about energy efficient and long-lasting building products in the News Register’s July 22, 104 summer edition of Green Living. Some of Wendy’s favorites are:

  • Heat-recovery ventilation systems, which provide fresh air and improved climate control. According to Stassens, they save energy by reducing heating and cooling requirements, and “allow the house to breathe.”
  • Solar panels, the final key to energy independence. You can’t build a house that uses no energy, but with solar panels, it’s possible to achieve net-zero energy by making your own on site.
  • Spray foam insulation, a durable fiberglass alternative that seals gaps around support beams and strengthens walls. It also reduces energy loss without introducing ozone-depleting chemicals.
  • Wood products from Zena Forest, a family-owned Willamette Valley lumber company. It’s dedicated to maintaining a healthy and diverse forest ecosystem by harvesting trees sustainably.
  • Insulated concrete forms, (ICF construction) are hollow foam blocks which are stacked into the shape of the exterior walls of a building, reinforced with steel rebar and then filled with concrete. This innovative technology provides superior R-values, superior strength, straighter walls, less maintenance, provides excellent insulating qualities, prevents the growth of mold and mildew, prevents pests in wall cavities, lasts longer than wood, and requires less energy to heat and cool than traditional wood framing. (corrected version)
