Smart is the New Green

January 9, 2012

Frequently we are asked the question, “What is a green builder?” There is no easy answer. “Green” means many different things to different people. There is no universal definition. One person may feel being “green” is recycling consumer packaging, while another would argue being “green” is not to purchase the item if it has packaging. In the building trade, there are also many shades of “green.” Ultimately, being “green” depends on what you want, need or can incorporate into your building plans.

At Winsome Construction we define how we build simply as smart. We build with goals of healthier spaces for occupants, environment and surrounding communities, at a lower lifetime cost. That’s just “smart” building. Most of the smart advancements in building are considered green, and incorporating these advancements is now beginning to be more common.

New and smarter building techniques and products become available every day. The challenge as a “smart builder” is staying on top of it all. There are several organizations designed to help builders and property owners build the smartest structures possible. Winsome Construction is an active member in several of these groups.
US Green Building Council
Earth Advantage Institute
Energy Trust of Oregon
Home Builders Association of Oregon
Energy Star

As a smart builder, Winsome Construction recognizes that each building’s purpose and owner’s needs are different. We take the time to sit down and look at your needs as well as the building site to make sure the smartest structure possible is built. Everything from the foundation to the finishes can be built to create a healthier, more sustainable and more energy efficient building.

Watch this blog for information about smart building practices. We will share helpful advice, new and interesting trends and products, and of course, stories of our experience as a smart builder. To learn more you can always visit our website or email us at
